consultation & support
NovoHelix can provide expert consultation and training by project or hourly basis in which we can leverage our expertise in genome engineering and stem cell technologies by establishing and streamlining laboratory protocols, reviewing scientific data, manuscripts, grants and patents, and connecting with key scientists in academia, industry or government. Previous clients include Advance Animal Diagnostics, Center of Regenerative Medicine in Barcelona CMR[B], EMBL, Duke University, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Morris Animal Foundation, National Institutes of Health (NIH), NC State University, University of Maryland, University of Michigan, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of Virginia and USDA-ARS. When you partner with NovoHelix, we will share our practical experience and technical knowledge, respond to your project needs in a timely manner and provide updates to project milestones for NIH and NSF grant submission deadlines.
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Service Description
professional consultation, ($200/h)
NovoHelix can provide expert consulation and training on a project or per hour basis where we can leverage our expertise in genome engineering by establishing and streamlining laboratory protocols, reviewing scientific data, manuscripts, grants and patents, and connecting with key scientists in academia, industry or government. Past clients include USDA, University of Virginia, University of Michigan, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, EMBL, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Advance Animal Diagnostics, Duke University, NC State University, University of Maryland, Morris Animal Foundation, and National Institutes of Health (NIH), Center of Regenerative medicine in Barcelona CMR[B].
Molecular Genetics, bespoke services / technical staff $115/h
Hourly rate for bespoke services by the molecular biology technical staff
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