gene targeting
Catalog Nr
Service Description
Construction of an isogenic gene targeting vector and Sanger-sequence verified with up to 20-kb insertion. NovoHelix will provide an in silico map and provide restriction fingerprinting for overall plasmid structure via 3 digests. DNA is purified by a propriety AEX (anion exchange) chromatography and suitable for microinjection into mouse zygotes or nucleofection/electroporation. The DNA is dialyzed on a membrane support in microinjection or electroporation buffer and then spun to remove particulate matter to obviate microinjection needle clogging.
Electroporation of a positive clone with recombinase (Cre or Flp), includes feeder preparation, passing picking, feeding, expansion of up to 12 clones, mycoplasma testing of up to 4 clones, preparing 3 clones for injections.
Long-range PCR includes up to 300 clones; Southern blotting includes up to 18 samples with a validated probe (Neo, Hygro, GFP, Flpo, Cre) Note: expansion of ES cells not included
Long-range PCR includes up to 300 clones; Southern blotting includes up to 18 samples with a validated probe (Neo, Hygro, GFP, Flpo, Cre) Note: expansion of ES cells not included