Recombineering - MBRC002

Recombineering - MBRC002

BAC recombineering - advanced
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Recombineering - MBRC002
Product Details
Advanced recombineering service includes steps that supercede 3 or more recombineering reactions and includes selection steps with non-standard antibiotics such as blasticidin, gentamycin, hygromycin, nourseothricin (clonNAT), puromycin, streptomycin and zeocin/bleocin/phleomycin or others. The advanced recombineering service route also includes seamless knockin of large cassettes > 3 kb and development of screening assays for E. coli specific-strain generation.  NovoHelix has pioneered BAC shaving and deleted tens of kilobases from an existing BAC to remove extraneous sequences and genes linked on the same chromosome. The modified BAC will be provided in the E. coli strain as a glycerol stock or stab culture.